HW10: REST Backend due Tue 02 Apr 13:20

This assignment provides practice in creating REST API endpoints and
database actions.

Allowed and Disallowed Resources

In completing this assignment you MAY use/access the following resources:

You may NOT use/access:

Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in a zero for the assignment and the incident will be reported to the university provost as a violation of the university academic integrity policy. A second incident of academic dishonesty (whether from this course or another computer science course) will result in an F in the course.


In this assignment you will be starting from a fresh/empty Laravel application. When the assignment is finished you will not have a full fledged application. Instead you will have implemented a REST API that will provide the endpoints needed to support the database actions required by the book sellers application.


Begin by creating a new laravel application in the hw10 directory. Then follow the steps presented in class and in the video to provide the following endpoints for the Book Seller application we have been writing for homework. NOTE: In order to facilitate grading you need to use the following route names exactly:
GET /api/books
Return 200 status code along with a JSON array of book objects with the following fields. The field names should match exactly, but the order of the fields doesn't matter.
      "book_id": 25,
      "title": "Post Wins2!",
      "condition": 2,
      "price": "5.99",
      "created_by": 1,
      "name": "Fred",
      "email": "fred@fun.com"
      "book_id": 22,
      "title": "Jo's Fun <Day>!",
      "condition": 3,
      "price": "19.99",
      "created_by": 1,
      "name": "Fred",
      "email": "fred@fun.com"

The query to produce this list is:

SELECT book_id, title, condition, price, created_by, name, email
   FROM books JOIN book_users ON (books.created_by=book_users.user_id)

GET /api/books/{id}
If provided id is invalid format or does not match a book in the database return 400 status code with appropriate error message. Otherwise, return 200 status code along with a single JSON book object formatted as above. The query to extract a single book is the same as above, but with with a where clause appended to it: WHERE book_id=?

POST /api/books
This endpoint is used to add a new book to the database. It requires fields for title, condition, and price that match requirements from previous assignments. If validation for the various fields is passed then the result is a 201 status code and an empty JSON object as the response body. If the validation does not pass then we give a JSON response that is generated by Laravel's validation function such as:
   "message": "The given data was invalid.",
   "errors": {
      "title": [
         "The title field is required."

The query to add a book:

INSERT INTO books (book_id, title, condition, price, created_by)
   VALUES (default, ?, ?, ?, ?)
PUT /api/books/id
This endpoint is used to update/modify an existing book in the database. It should perform the typical checks on the book id with appropriate responses for invalid/non-existent book id. It will also do the same validation/responses as when adding a new book.

The query to modify a book:

UPDATE books SET title=?, condition=?, price=? WHERE book_id=?

DELETE /api/books/id
This endpoint is used to remove an existing book from the database. It requires a valid book id that exists in the database. As before, a malformed or missing book id should return a 400 status code.

Valid requests provide a 204 status code and an empty JSON object as the response. The query to delete a book:

DELETE FROM books WHERE book_id=?

Requests for routes that don't exist should return 404 status code with an appropriate JSON-formatted error string. In the BookController, database requests should be put in a try-catch block to handle unexpected database errors. In the case of reaching the catch block we return a 503 status code with an appropriate message.

Status Code Summary

Here is a summary of status code we'll be using for this assignment:

Code Phrase Meaning in our App
200 OK successful get request or successful PUT request
201 Object created successful post request
204 No content successful delete request
400 Bad request request failed validation or invalid book id given
401 Unauthorized user not logged in
403 Forbidden user logged in, but not allowed to perform this action
404 Not found no endpoint for this request was found
503 Service unavailable Unexpected database error