To use these scripts on do the following steps: 0) Log into your account on 1) Change into your working directory (create if needed): cd mkdir mongo cd mongo 2) Download the scripts into that directory: wget wget wget 3) Mark the scripts as executable (and not readable by others): chmod 700 mongoexec chmod 700 mongoload chmod 700 mongoshell 4) Use a text editor (vim or nano) to put your username, password, uri, and host value in the placeholders at the top of each file. 5) Make sure you have whitelisted the IP ( in your account at (under the Network Access Menu). 6) To run the scripts put ./ in front of the script name. Test each script as follows: (a) ./mongoshell This should connect to your MongoDB server in the cloud and give you a shell prompt. Type "exit" to disconnect and return to the command-line. NOTE: For a number of homework assignments you'll find it useful to open two connections to In the first you'll run this script. In the other you'll issue other commands. (b) To test mongoexec download make-album.mongo wget Then run the script and specify the name of the new file: ./mongoexec make-album.mongo (c) To test mongoload download movies.json: wget Then run the script to create a movies collection in the demo database: ./mongoload demo movies movies.json The difference between mongoexec and mongoload: mongoexec takes a document containing a series of mongo shell commands, connects to the test database and then runs those commands. mongoload takes a database name, a collection name, and a JSON file containing a single JSON array of documents. It imports all of the documents in the file into the specified database and collection.