HW13: NodeJS Static Site due Tue 23 Apr 13:20

The purpose of this assignment is to provide practice in utiliz...
... the use of
the Express framework and the EJS templating engine.

Allowed and Disallowed Resources

In completing this assignment you MAY use/access the following resources:

You may NOT use/access:

Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in a zero for the assignment and the incident will be reported to the university provost as a violation of the university academic integrity policy. A second incident of academic dishonesty (whether from this course or another computer science course) will result in an F in the course.


For this assignment you will create a static book seller's site built using the NodeJS template from the previous assignment. Since the site will be static we will not be utilizing models or any database code. You will simply put a couple of hard-coded entries on pages as placeholders for data that normally would have come from the database.

Some Details

Do your work in a directory called hw13 in the repository you shared with the instructor in the previous assignment.

Your completed assignment should make use of the EJS templating system for views and you should utilize a layout that has a header document and a footer document. The header document should generate the everything up to and including the menu of your application. The footer should contain whatever elements are common to the bottom section of all pages in your application. Of course have the title will need to parameterized in the head. Depending on how your menu works you may need to pass additional parameters to identify which menu item is to be highlighted.

Your application should provide the following pages, all of which will import the header and footer just described:

You might consider using the HTML/CSS from the pages built in homework 5 as a starting point for your templates and views.

Some additional requirements:

Turning In Your Code

Make sure that your assignment has been pushed to the bitbucket repository you shared with the instructor in the previous assignment.