DO THESE EXERCISES 1. Create a file named that contains a class named Movie. The Movie class should have three attributes of appropriate types: title, genre, and year. This class should not have a main() method. 2. In the same folder, create a file named that has a main() method. In main() create a new instance of the Movie class. Initialize the new instance to contain an actual movie. 3. In write a method called showMovie that accepts a single Movie object as a parameter and displays the details of the movie neatly. Call the showMovie method from main passing the movie object you created. 4. Add these lines to Movie a,b,c; a= new Movie(); a.title="Fun"; a.genre="Cool"; a.year= 1999; b= new Movie(); b.title="Fun"; b.genre="Cool"; b.year= 1999; c= a; if (a==b) System.out.println("a and b are the same movie"); else System.out.println("a and b are NOT the same movie"); if (a==c) System.out.println("a and c are the same movie"); else System.out.println("a and c are NOT the same movie"); 4a. Draw an accurate picture of the variables a, b, and c along with any objects that are created. 4b. Predict the results and then run the program. Are you able to reconcile your drawing with the results of the program? 5. Find another student in this course who you DID NOT WORK WITH on this assignment. Compare your diagram with the diagram they drew. Discuss differences ... if you have questions, watch the instructional video again.