LD10: IntList due Wed 27 Mar 10:00

In this assignment you will:
\item Write code to work with hand-coded linked lists.

Preparation for Lab Day

Do these steps:
  1. In your workspace, make sure you have the latest homework files from the base repository. Do your work in the hw10 directory. Begin by examining the provided code.
  2. In IntList.java fill in the code for insert() and display().
  3. Use the provided driver to test your code. When it works commit and push.

Lab Day

Continue with these steps:

  1. Write and test the search method. Make sure you test cases where elements are not found. Commit your work.

  2. Write and test the remove() method. It should remove the first matching element and should not crash if the element is not found. Be sure to test cases where you delete the first element, a middle element, and a last element.

  3. Test, document, commit, push.

  4. If you finish early begin work on the homework assignment.